Untitled Diary Play combines storytelling, song, and video to convey Lee's journey of self-discovery and cultural reconnection. The show will delve into her coming-of-age experience while grappling with romantic feelings and the disconnection from her Filipino roots within the framework of her Catholic upbringing. Each performance will include a “talkback” between the audience and the artist.
Lee has fifteen years of home video footage, hundreds of diary entries, high school papers, religious pamphlets, text messages, and private social media conversations she used to create the piece. All dialogue is derived from her extensive archive of notes, diary entries, written conversations, recordings, and therapist notes. No new writing has been introduced into the script.
We are proud to present Untitled Diary Play as a full-length BLOSSOMING workshop production. BLOSSOMING is an annual staged reading series that is a culmination of months of new play development and workshopping, centering underrepresented playwrights. This year, we are excited to take the workshop process a step further to present a full-length production of this work in progress.
All performances are PAY WHAT YOU WANT.
CONTENT NOTE: This play centers themes of religious trauma, mental health struggle (including discussion of disordered eating, depression, anxiety, and mention of self harm), and includes discussion of anti-Asian stereotypes. This production also includes discussion about and brief depiction of sexual assault.
This activity is supported by the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, administered by LOWELL AREA ARTS COUNCILS INC, and is made possible in part by a grant from Michigan Humanities, an affiliate of the National Endowment for the Humanities.